Greetings delegates, it is with great delight that I welcome you to the All India Political Parties Meet, along with my Assistant Director. It is our privilege and honour to chair this esteemed committee. We look forward to an extremely fruitful and lively simulation with our delegates.
This year you will be joined by the Director, Arjun Sriram and the Assistant director, Ishaan Chopra and we will take you through this wonderful journey that is ISMMUN 2021. Model UN Conferences are instrumental in instilling values in an individual. One can take away skills of team work, diplomacy and leadership from participating in an MUN.
The AIPPM is a committee that serves as a convention of the nation's leaders and politicians to allow debate and discussion on noteworthy issues, free from the constraints of the parliament and legislative jurisdiction. This committee involves delegates taking up the responsibility of representing prominent political icons who speak for different political factions of society, and play a major role in the decision-making exercise of India.
This year we have selected two dynamic topics which we believe are of paramount importance. The topics being "Reviewing the performance of the NDA government, with respect to Defense, Diplomacy, Economy, Immigration" and; "Maintaining territorial integrity and security of India".
We certainly hope that the above topics will be deliberated upon with a great deal of enthusiasm and zeal. To ensure this, we highly recommend you to read the background guide thoroughly and do as much research as possible, outside of the background guide too, so that as delegates you will have a knowledge of the political situation in India.
Please do not hesitate to contact either one of us, if you have any queries regarding the committee or the topics chosen. Looking forward to a wonderful committee session!

Greetings delegates! I am Arjun Sriram and I take great pride in chairing in the first-ever All India Political Parties Meet of ISMMUN 2021. The AIPPM is an extremely dynamic committee with heated debate and discussion. This committee will teach delegates a lot about India’s politics and where it stands on the global stage. To be frank, once you participate in the AIPPM, it will be hard to go back to conventional committees.
My first experience in a Model UN conference was in ISMMUN 2018, where I represented India in the UNHRC. Taking part in the conference taught me a lot about the working of the real world. It inspired me to actively follow geopolitics and the political state of affairs of India. Most importantly, it taught me how to stand on my own two feet. Since then I’ve participated in eight MUN conferences and I have been awarded the best delegate award once, honourable delegate award twice and several special mentions. As your director, I assure you that the forthcoming sessions would be worthwhile regardless of your experience. Looking forward to seeing you in the committee session!
Greetings Dear Delegates,
Welcome to ISMMUN 2021! I’m Ishaan Chopra, the Assistant Director of AIPPM (All India Political Party Meet). I eagerly look forward to the first-ever AIPPM session, for those of you not well acquainted with this committee, this committee has political parties from all over India engage in stimulating and intense debates about the general welfare and future of the country.
For those delegates who have attended ISMMUNs before, this will be a fresh experience and for the first-timers this will be an amazing event for your first MUN. AIPPM essentially holds up the spirit of unrestrained discussion and thus the scope for debate is broader. This will make for really fun and engaging sessions.
As for me personally, I always considered myself an observer so I didn’t think that I would quite enjoy participating in MUNs but after registering on an impulse I opened up to the idea of discussing ideologies. In that moment you realise that MUN is more so about being diplomatic rather than engaging in heated debates, and about staying calm even in the most adverse scenarios thus communicating concisely to find solutions to the world’s problems. This was definitely the most alluring and memorable aspect of MUN for me so I’d suggest that even if you think MUN isn’t for you, give it a go and have a fun and informative session with us regardless. I hope to see you soon in high spirits in the committee!