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Greetings Delegates!

Welcome to the world of deliberation, resoluteness, and aspiration. Model United Nations is the perfect place to showcase your knowledge and awareness on issues that is faced by the world and a place which provides opportunity to provide solutions to these issues.

The United Nations was formed in this regard to provide a united approach to combat these global issues faced by the world. The UN took over from the League of Nations after one of the Greatest Armed Conflict in history, WW2. Ever since then the UN has had an important role in maintaining Peace and Security among the different countries.

I, Faizan Najeeb, along with Ann Elza Monica wholeheartedly welcome you to Indian School Muscat Model United Nations 2021, and more specifically to the World Health Organization. WHO is guided by the principle that health is a state of complete physical, mental, and social well-being and not merely the absence of disease or infirmity.

We have chosen two highly debatable and interesting agendas for our committee and we hope to have a fruitful discussion on the same. Researching on the topics increases your knowledge on it which will further help you to answer questions raised by other delegates and counter question as well.

We hope to have a great and fun session with all of you.

WHO: Welcome
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Greetings Delegates!!
Welcome to the World Health Organization at ISMMUN 2021! I am Faizan Najeeb, and I will be serving as the Director for WHO. It is my greatest honor to chair this committee this year. Being a part of a Model United Nations is really exhilarating and exciting! It helps you to increase awareness of issues around the world and even helps you to refine your speaking skills.
My first MUN experience kick started in the year 2018 with ISMMUN 2018 as a Delegate of France to UNODC and I have come a long way since then having participated in numerous MUNs the past year both as a chair and as a delegate all thanks to covid! This being my last year at ISM I wish to have the best conference ever and my aim is to win the Best Committee Award along with you all!
It gives me immense pleasure to lead this wonderful committee along with Ann Elza Monica and we both encourage you to research well and to perform your best. Please feel free to approach any of us if you have any questions or queries.
Hoping to have the Best Session with all of you.



Greetings Future Leaders!
A very warm welcome to World Health Organization for ISMUN 2021. It is an honor to invite you into the most stimulating experience of MUN-ing. Peace entails agreement and harmony among people and the UN is the best platform to resolve global issues with diplomacy and respect for diversity.
My journey in MUNs started with full zeal and curiosity, and I was astonished to see students just like me debating and discussing worldwide concerns. I was fortunate enough to be a part of ISMUN last year and surprisingly won verbal mention. I was in high spirits when I started winning High commendation, Honorable mention, Verbal mention, and more. And finally, I paved my way into the board of DAIS by chairing UNHRC AND WHO. So here I am as the Asst. Director of WHO.
MUNs have helped me ignite the inner fighter inside of me to working against injustice. And now I aspire to work in The United Nations one day. We anticipate this MUN to be an enriching one and looking forward to a memorable session filled with enthusiasm and dedication. It is a pleasure to work with young minds who just might change the world! I assure you that this conference will be the beginning of a new chapter in your life.
All the best!

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WHO: Team Members
WHO: About

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