Welcome from the Director
Welcome to Press corps!
This year I, Emilin Sarah George, along with Nekha Sudheer will be your Director and Director respectively.
If you believe that paper has more patience than people, and if you believe that the pen is mightier than the sword, then Press Corps is the place for you. Highly valued for its efficacy and reliability, Press Corps is much more than just a committee of journalists, editors or photographers. It is all about dedication, determination and diligence.
Celebrated as the voice of ISMMUN, the Press corps is unique in its commitment to speak nothing but the truth. You become more industrious, inquisitive and independent with each report or edit. There is a clear-cut balance between work and play that supports holistic development. The joy of working together as a family is beyond what words can describe because by the end of the day, saying goodbye might move some to tears. The blood, sweat and tears invested will all pay off at the end when rewarded with the "Best Journalist Award".
We, the DIAS, are aware of the current crisis, but we promise to work to the best of our abilities to make your time at Press corps memorable. Let's aim for perfection so that we may achieve "The Best Committee Award".
In the future, when you take a walk down memory lane, I assure you that your journey at Press corps will be one of the most significant and exceptional ones.
Cheers to the next best chapter in our lives!!

Greetings delegates!
I, Emilin Sarah George, am thrilled to welcome you all to another unique experience at Press Corps! It is my privilege to serve as the director of the spectacular Press Corps at ISMMUN 2021!
My heart thumped louder with each step I took towards the conference room while posing as the Delegate of Qatar in UNHRC at my very first MUN. But the butterflies in my stomach soon flew away as I began to indulge myself in critical international debacles. I was on cloud nine even though I had not won any accolades because for the first time I had raised my voice for the good of humanity amid growing leaders.
Being a journalist at Press Corps broadened my perspective and helped me enhance my communication skills. As more mind-boggling tasks knocked at my door, patience, time management, and critical thinking followed. Even though being a member at the press corps requires less snooping around than Tintin, the hustle-bustle of conducting interviews, writing reports, and editing as the clock ticks away is sure to cause some adrenaline rush.
Being the eyes and ears at ISMMUN does require strenuous efforts, but you still find time to bond and have fun just like a family and that's what makes Press Corps extraordinary. Press corps let your creativity bloom and fashions you into responsible and credible citizens of tomorrow.
I very much look forward to seeing all the inquisitively brilliant minds as we light a flame of new memories.
THE PRESS is one of the strongest, vital and most impactful tools of the contemporary world. My heartiest welcome to the Press Corps committee, ISM-MUN2021. I am Nekha Sudheer, this year’s Assistant Director.
Being part of a MUN is one of the most thrilling and amazing experiences you could ever have. The key is indulging in each part of it to the fullest as it’s enlightening, feels powerful, and is all about expression. Coming back to our committee, we are the link between what happens in conferences and the world outside.
Giving MUN a shot after ceaselessly hearing about it, and then being a delegate of different MUNs has helped me strengthen so many principle values. Auditions, meetings, staying up till late in the night; press corps enjoy the most (obvious fact), but a role in our committee needs immense commitment, to be efficient and punctual. Behind all this hard work is how much fun we have which will bind us together as a family throughout the process. You become a part of something greater and get to work alongside truly brilliant and talented people.
As you can see, we are a distinctive committee and it’s always been a privilege and pleasure working in the press corps. I am excited to work with and get to know each one of you. Happy MUN-ing!!