Greetings, fellow delegates
I welcome you all to the Special Political and Decolonization Committee (SPECPOL). This year, the committee will be chaired by I, Mohammed Idris Qureshi (director) alongside Smriti Hari (Assistant Director).
In this two-day conference, not only will you be representing your assigned nations, but you will be making friends as well as memories. In order to have a good time and actively participate, it is essential to prepare well. I urge each and every one of you to understand your topics, and do your research. Part of the fun of participating in a MUN is research. In addition to this, it is also important to speak up during the actual conference, do not let your research and hard work go to waste. A well prepared and confident delegate always has an edge over others.
Lastly, do not hesitate to contact either one of us. If you have any queries, we’re more than willing to help you out. We look forward to having an amazing session and a memorable conference!

My participation in MUN began as delegate of Botswana in SPECPOL; so I can completely
relate to what it’s like being here, as a first timer. Undeniably, being a part of SPECPOL, has
brought out the best in me. With the knowledge I had gained, I came back stronger, better
prepared and confident, to ISMMUN 2019, as delegate of Syria. My efforts paid off as I won
myself a position in the DAIS of ISMMUN 2020, as Assistant Director of SPECPOL. These MUN conferences have given me the opportunity to hone my diplomatic and debating skills and has made me an active member of the society, better aware of world affairs and happenings. They have significantly impacted my perception of the world as it is, and have shaped my desires of the world, as I want it to be.
I wish to see a world where suffering is minimized. I believe collaboration between countries and its people is the only way this can be achieved. As equal members of the society, it lies in our duties to help one another and learn from each other - to eventually become good human beings. Only then can we, unanimously work towards making the world a better place for us, and the future generations to come.
As Director this year, I urge every delegate to do their share of research, and give it their best
shot at the conference so that we have a remarkable and memorable session! I assure you an
experience of a lifetime where you shall take back with you, memories, laughter and learnings.
See you soon!
Hello, Delegates!
My name is Smriti Hari and I will be serving as the Assistant Director of SPECPOL.
My first experience as a delegate of Yemen of UNICEF was nerve-wracking. I felt like I didn’t prepare enough, and during the session, I found myself not speaking up or participating much. The following year, representing Saudi Arabia in LAS (too controversial), I found myself well prepared with facts to back my defense, came up with solutions for the topic and participated with confidence. Interacting with other delegates and the dais, informal apologies that made many delegates laugh, all these memories hold a special place in my heart. MUN has honestly made me a more confident person in committee, the classroom, and has helped my overall self-esteem.
There's a lot to take away from MUN. From research to writing position papers and arguments to on-the-spot rebuttals, it opens up a whole new view of the world and its problems. In short, it's an amazing experience worth everything!
As the assistant director, my only wish is to see you all depart with knowledge and satisfaction. Hoping to create an unforgettable experience.
Happy MUNing!